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Mamete Prevostini

The Network of Hanging Gardens

Cultivating the beauty of a landscape as a sustainable lifestyle.

Mamete Prevostini wines

Mamete Prevostini's entire history speaks volumes of his attention and approach to the environment through the creation of a low energy consumption wine cellar, but sustainability has to be achieved through actions and therefore through people.

The cultivation of vines in the Alps, amongst the mountains of Valtellina, is clearly a life-choice and one of total dedication: it's a work inspired by a genuine love of one's territory, an ancient ritual still undertaken entirely by hand, with no qualms about altitude or the daily exertions of carrying grapes on shoulders up and down rocky steps.

The Network of Hanging Gardens was created to confirm the relationship of trust that binds Mamete Prevostini to the vinegrowers and their families, men and women who courageously cultivate the terraced vineyards of Nebbiolo almost as if they were gardens, and demonstrably preserve the very beauty of the Alpine landscape suspended above the rocks.

Mamete Prevostini has always closely overseen every aspect of his winery's growth to ensure his unique work functions ever better.

Thanks to the Network expertise, resources and innovation are shared, along with joint interventions in the development of agronomic practices.

Respecting each and everyone's individual personality and fostering opportunities for professional development, Mamete Prevostini aims to be the spokesperson for an increasingly sustainable agriculture at a community level and to represent an example for new generations who want to take up winemaking as a profession.

Gabriella Bersani

Gabriella Bersani

I recommend to all young women who feel a desire to take on this job an unconditional love for the vineyard, without which it quite simply will not be possible. I travel the world to measure myself against other women entrepreneurs, whilst sharing my experiences in the organisations I belong to, my passion never declines, even after 50 harvests.

Giampietro Farina

Gianpietro Farina

When I first started working with Mamete he was a young wine producer, just setting out, but my brothers and I decided to put our faith in him. On his request to collect the grapes in boxes, we indulged him: I remember being regarded during harvest as if we were aliens, but today many do just the same.

Gregorio Baldelli

Gregorio Baldelli

I have always worked the vineyards. Thirty years ago they called you crazy if you did this job but a change of mentality is taking place. Interest has certainly grown and the approach is different today, and it's no longer simply a job but a lifestyle with accompanying passion. Today I feel sure that viticulture can give our young people a future.

Guido Bongini

Guido Bongini

I started at the age of ten and can therefore count more than 60 harvests: I could talk long about the whole experience. I'm no longer interested in the income but rather the satisfaction of bringing into the cellar an exceptional product. I would simply like my grandson to follow my instruction alongside those of his school to continue along the same path.

Guido Bresesti

Guido Bresesti

I remain truly consistent with my rooted, radical life choices, and continue to believe enormously in the work I do which is a genuine passion.

Paolo Piatta

Paolo Piatta

When we talk about our vineyards it's as if we are talking about a family member, because every vine, plot and little corner of our land has a name and a story to be told. Viticulture is a way of being that is passed on from father to son. We exist by organising time according to the needs of Nature herself, we both endure and rejoice for our fruit.

Riccardo Pensini

Riccardo Pensini

I was doing another job but the vineyard was calling me. My father didn't want me to be a vine cultivator like him and at first I had to learn the trade in secret. It's only over the years that my tenacity has convinced him. Today he gives me a hand and I am ever more convinced that it was the best choice I could have made.

Sonia Soverna

Sonia Soverna

The vineyard is undoubtedly a woman because it requires a life of dedication, love and presence, just like life within the family. We commit to the job with good humour and want to do it well and with diligence despite regular adversity: when the sun warms the earth and the rocks, when the wind blows hard... we remain.



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